Friday, 30 May 2014

Update on Life & Leon! ✨

Hey guys!! 

So sorry I haven't updated for a while a lot of stuff has been happening and I haven't gotten around to doing so! >3<
Also I haven't had Internet for a while so that's been an issue~ alas one that is now resolved!

Leon is pretty much been finished for a long time now!

He's only missing his cloak but I kinda like how he looks atm so I don't wanna make him his jacket just yet :3 even though I went and bought invisible thread just for him! >w<

In other news~

My dog Tyson passed away ;_; <\3 this upset me greatly for some time and still doesn't really feel like its real.. he was only 6 and 1/2 but he obtained heart disease and sadly he had a heart attack whilst with my dad. We got him cremated and we have his urn. Just, seeing death makes me think about so many things.. 

My parents have a new doggie now~
His name is Rambo and he is very cute I really miss him actually, he is clumsy and very happy ^o^

he is a black Doberman and he has a tail! Doberman tails are so pretty. He's very silky and he likes to eat everything and has very sharp teeth ^^* he also likes to sit on me and sleep. He's grown so fast the last time I saw him he started to get the size of our jack Russell so  suppose he will be quite big now as I saw him ages ago!

Hm, what else have I been up to?
I ordered my first passport finally, I'm meant to be going on my first holiday in June but idk if my passport will make it so that's a kinda ooooooops >.<!

let us pray! ^*^ could do with it tbh. it's make me really happy

um, been having fun with friends! 

Got myself an Usa-chan FINallY!! Literally Usa-chan is my favourite thing ever atm!

apart from socks I've been quite obsessed with collecting cute socks :D because I bought new shoes for work which show socks >w<

and I got myself another job in a craft store which is pretty damn epic :D
really enjoying it there at the moment, the people are very lovely and I'm learning a lot and meeting a lot of interesting people :D

Sukekiyo are coming to London later on in the year :D I think September so I plan to go see them as Its a rare and wonderful opportunity to hear my idols voice again :D I'm so excited about that! I haven't seen Kyo live since 4years now ;/;

I've got green in my hair ^*^ I love green & white atm they're just the best colours! also light blue and indigo!<3

that's all info for now I guess! goodnight my little moon pies! 🌙✨