I miss these guys.. no words can express how amazing they are irl..
in every way..
so dedicated and talented.. <3 p="">3>
( i _ i )
I was at the live yesterday! Stupidly made the mistake of going in the mosh pit..ended up getting squashed, hit, suffocated, my hair ripped out...etc. ☆〜(ゝ。∂) When I tried to get out they pushed me forward but when i tried to go forward they trod on me and pushed me back.. Such ruffians!! hahaha.
(-。-; genuinely thought I was gonna die.. Lol. When i got out i felt like collapsing or sitting down! But that would waste seeing the precious bby's. So I dragged myself up to the balcony!
Unfortunately everyone gained their places there and were so tall!! (`_´)ゞI had piggybacks off some people i met though, hah! Some of the fans were quite nice! But i think a few people went just to cause trouble. Idky; (can't they waste time somewhere else!?) Why did they pay & come along if they don't like the band?.. There is people out there really upset because they couldn't go.. okay, little rage there, ha!
Anyway, onto the members...
Gonna talk about Die first cause he's so sweet!
He looked at me a lot!! (-crazyfangirlmode-) I did the rock-on hand sign at him he saw, smiled and did it back! :3
He's got a beautiful smile and his hair is so long (≧∇≦)
Toshiya was so cute!! He seemed to be really enjoying himself.
He did a guitar spin!
He's so pretttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (yes that was necessary) and his bass is huge..
His hair was really quite short, it looked really nice..the photos don't do you justice ;D
He failed so bad at chucking picks :( they didn't go past the first 4 rows XDDDD
MY LOVE!!!! Kaoru is the most beautiful guy on this planet EVER. EVER.
seriously.. he is VERY good looking.. whenever he swapped sides with Die I had a fangurl attack!
I think I nearly fell off the balcony flapping about for him to see me ((((;゚Д゚)))))))
He tried to chuck one of his picks as well but failed ヽ(´o`; <3
Watch Shinya playing the drums and just wow... that guy is amazing..
or was I just high off life? haha..
He's so in himself..whats the word? lol. Reserved? idek. But my god he is pretty (^.^)
He was wearing a nice dashing white shirt! He is rather skinny.
Finally, ~ KYO <3
He is so SMALLLLLLLL!!!! Emphasis on small, lol!! And his skin is freakily so nice (゚o゚;;
(compared with photo-shoots, tho i wasn't exactly up close to his face so idk but it looked nice from where I was....)
and omg he took off his jacket! He has tattoos on his back and i didn't even realize ~ but i just found this picture ~weirdly~ to show you O_o
He's awesome ..but people still need to respectfully stfu when he's singing tbh. could hardly hear him sometimes.. but i was surprised everyone shut up for some quiet parts <3 ;__;
Only photos i got as i was too hypnotized!! (;-;)

Lol, nice shot there of the ceiling!!! haha!!
I was so dead after.!! For a good few days!!!
I looked and felt like a car hit me hahaha. Could hardly talk.. and was deaf for a few days.
And couldn't breathe very well at all.. I still feel like my lungs are in my spine? hahaha!
But.. it was worth it.
Hahaha. the aftermath!!. I got no sleep either, haha.